Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuna Purse Seining

picture courtesy of Jose M. Alves
The Tunaman's Memorial dedication is broken up into three catagories. Founders, Pioneers, and Lost at Sea. With this... the memory of many will live on for ever. My father being one of them, Basilio Alves Freitas, pioneer.

My father was a Tuna Fisherman on the bait boats out of San Diego. This was back when they used bamboo poles to pull in the Tuna. One generation later, I spent a good five years of my life traveling the Western Pacific Ocean dedicated to Tuna Seining. The links above I found on U-Tube to give a little more insite as to what the men on these vessels had to go through on a daily basis.

Tuna Fisherman are notorious for working hard, and playing hard. At the same time they are dedicated to their family's. Away for months at a time, they risk their live's on a daily basis to put food on the table for their children. In the same note, as they put a little food on the table for their families, Tuna Fisherman provide food for the world and feed millions of families

1 comment:

  1. Click on the links above and enter a life only the boldest of men dare to enter!!!! Possibly the craziest too.
